Health & Safety

Health and Safety Policy for the Inspire Snowsports ski & snowboard programs

  1. Introduction

The health and safety of our participants, staff, and visitors is of paramount importance. This policy outlines our commitment to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for everyone involved in our residential junior ski and snowboard programs. It sets out our approach to identifying and managing potential hazards, promoting safe practices, and ensuring compliance with applicable health and safety regulations.

  1. Responsibilities

2.1 Management

Management at Inspire Snowsports are responsible for:

  • Ensuring the development, implementation, and review of this health and safety policy.
  • Allocating sufficient resources to maintain a safe and healthy environment.
  • Promoting a positive health and safety culture throughout the organization.
  • Providing adequate training and support to staff members to fulfill their health and safety responsibilities.

2.2 Staff

All staff members are responsible for:

  • Following health and safety guidelines and procedures.
  • Identifying and reporting hazards or potential risks promptly.
  • Participating in relevant health and safety training.
  • Encouraging safe behavior among program participants.
  • Promoting an inclusive and supportive environment that prioritizes health and safety.

2.3 Participants

Participants in the residential junior ski program are responsible for:

  • Adhering to health and safety guidelines and instructions provided by staff members.
  • Informing staff members of any health conditions, allergies, or physical limitations that may affect their participation.
  • Using equipment and facilities in a safe and responsible manner.
  • Reporting any safety concerns or accidents to staff members immediately.
  1. Risk Assessment

A comprehensive risk assessment will be conducted prior to the start of the program, and it will be regularly reviewed and updated as necessary.

  1. Control Measures

Control measures will be implemented to mitigate identified risks and ensure the safety of participants, staff, and visitors. These may include:

  • Ensuring appropriate safety equipment is used.
  • Conducting regular inspections of equipment and facilities.
  • Monitoring and adhering to weather forecasts and guidelines for safe skiing conditions.
  • Providing clear instructions and training for participants while training.
  • Implementing effective emergency procedures, including evacuation plans and communication protocols.
  • Providing access to qualified first aiders and medical assistance.
  • Establishing procedures for managing allergies, medication, and medical conditions of participants.
  • Promoting good hygiene practices.
  1. Incident Reporting and Investigation

All accidents, incidents, and near misses will be promptly reported, recorded, and investigated. The findings will be used to identify corrective actions and prevent future occurrences. Staff members will be trained on incident reporting procedures, and participants will be encouraged to report any safety concerns to staff members.

  1. Training and Communication

All staff members will receive appropriate health and safety training relevant to their roles and responsibilities. This may include training on emergency procedures, first aid, risk assessment, and safe skiing practices. 

  1. Policy Review

This health and safety policy will be reviewed annually or as necessary to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Changes in legislation, regulations, or best practices will be taken into account during the review process.

This health and safety policy is a statement of intent and provides a framework for action. It will be communicated to all relevant parties, and compliance with this policy is mandatory for all individuals associated with the program.